Current Research Tools
Links to Historical Documents - The world of today would not exsist as it is if not for the various treaties and documents that have shaped it. Here is a list of the treaties that have shaped foreign relations from 1000 AD - today.
Links to Foreign Policy Centers - Here you can find a wealth of F.P. info from hundreds of think tanks, Foreign Ministries ,International Organizations and general International Affairs Sites. They provide information on current F.P. happenings as well as providing opinions and many other valuable sources of info.
Links to US Embassies - Here you can find information  from government sponsored wesites for the various embassies around the globe. Lots of Foreign policy info. on this site
International Military Sites-  Here you will find a host of links that are dedicated to the military power of the world's nations. This site also includes unofficial and grassroots web sites about the different nations military strength.

Links to Current News Agencies - Current events have always had an influence on a nations F.P. . Provided here is links to many news agencies, newspapers, and TV stations around the globe that provide F.P. info from a local prospective.
Political Recourses -  This is a comprehensive list of Politcal Resources on the web.
CIA WorldFact Book - This research tool, put out every year by the US CIA, provides a list of hundreds of important facts about different nations around the globe. This tool will tell you the size of a nation, all the way to what percentage of the population engages in farming. Worth a visit!! If you can't find it here check search The Library of Congress Country Studies page.

Foreign Policy Forum was created  by Harry J. Kazianis. Any Questions or comments can be emailed to

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